Sunday, 15 September 2013

Health Officials Go Door-To-Door Warning, Testing For Dengue Fever
Flights to Florida
MARTIN COUNTY, Fla. -- State health officials go door-to-door in Martin County to test and warn residents about dengue fever.  They knocked on Elizabeth Pride’s door Friday afternoon.  They’re just trying to see if it’s being spread, she said.  The Florida Department of Health in Martin County is taking the fight against Dengue Fever to the streets. They’re planning on knocking on 700 doors in the Rio and Jensen Beach neighborhoods.

This survey is going to help us give us a good handle as to what’s going on in this community, Renay Rouse with the Florida Department of Health in Martin County said.

The door to door effort is providing prevention information, a risk assessment survey, and with consent from residents, they’re even taking blood samples.

To date, there are 18 confirmed cases of dengue fever in Martin County.

Health officials are planning on knocking on doors in the neighborhoods through next week. They’re also encouraging people to drain standing water and cover your skin with either clothing with repellent.

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